Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Women Shaking Up the Work Force

Photo by Catie Wilson

After graduating college women have to make the decision to either settle down of join the work force. Some women want to do more than cook, do the dishes and change diapers.

Young women in college are constantly thinking about next big step they need to take to reach their future career. From trying to join all the right organizations, to perfecting her resume, and even trying to get an internship, women in college are always trying to take the steps they need to get their dream job.
Women have come a long way since the early days of women’s suffrage in the 1920’s and the women’s liberation movement in the 1960s.
Nearly half of the women in today’s workforce are women. That is quite and achievement. This is quite a change from just a generation ago. In 1967 women made up only one-third of all workers in it the workforce. Even though women have taken great strides to get to where they are today, there are still there are still many doors to knock down.
California first lady, Maria Shriver, is not only a very successful woman in her own right, but she also wants to do all that she can to help women. She wants to encourage women to She has worked vigorously to bring to light the areas that woman are still lacking when it comes to women equality. The Shriver Report is a study by Maria Shriver and the Center for American Progress that in Shriver’s own words is a report that "Presents an accurate and detailed portrait of American women and families at this transformational moment in our history. ”
This is very encouraging for the young college women that are soon to be graduation from college. Entering the workforce can be challenging for just about anyone, but it seems that women may have a few more things to think about. In the Shriver Report, the idea is brought up that women just out of college are still having to decide rather to settle down and focus on starting a family, or to enter the workforce and put the other things on hold. This is still something that is on the minds of many women, rather they realize it now or not.
Shriver also looks at the difference in pay between men and women. It is surprising that in today’s society women continue to be paid 23 cents less than men for every dollar earned in the United States. According to the Shriver Report, nearly 4 in 10 mothers are primary breadwinners, bringing home the majority of the family’s earnings, and nearly two-thirds are breadwinners or co-breadwinners, bringing home at least a quarter of the family’s earnings. The report also looks at the positives aspects of being a woman in today’s society. Women today have the opportunity to hold a position of authority. There are many different jobs that a woman can choose from.
University of Oklahoma senior Candace Hudson is a public relations major. She is near the end of her college career, and is now thinking about the next milestone in her life.
“After reading the Shriver Report, I now have hope that I will be able to have a stable and fulfilling job,” said Hudson I feel that there are still obstacles that women have to overcome in the workforce. I am so happy to be a woman living in today’s society, but I there are times it can be frustrating."

Hudson explains her frustration with the double standards in society that women face today in the labor force.

For more information on the Shriver Report and Maria Shriver’s findings visit,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

National Love Your Body Day

Photo by Catie Wilson
Many girls today look to fashion magazines to tell them what is beautiful. This has become very harmful for young women that measure their worth by the size of their waist.

In today’s society women are bombarded with images of pin-thin models, and air brushed photos of celebrities. It is hard to escape these images. It is easy to see how young women that is maturing and developing at this time can be insecure about her body. Many college age girls feel that the media has had a major impact on creating this type unrealistic beauty.

On September 25, 1998, thousands of women’s right activists took part in the first ever “Love Your Body Day”. The activists wanted to bring to light all of the harm that the images of women in the media have caused women in society, and to encourage women to celebrate and love their bodies.

The National Organization for Women Foundation organization is passionate about furthering women's rights through education and litigation. Affiliated with the National Organization for Women, the NOW Foundation since 1998, has worked year after year to help women embrace their bodies. They created the National Love Your Body day to challenge the practices of advertisers, and of the fashion and media industries.

Last Wednesday, October 21, 2009, people all over the United Stated took part in the 12th annual Love Your Body Day. The campaign that is pushing to get rid of all of these fake images, and for women to see what real beauty is has grown to be very successful.

Many women in colleges across the United States are struggling maintain a good and positive body image. That is one reason why so many have participated in the Love Your Body campaign. Having a positive body is difficult for women of all ages, but in particular the young women transitioning into adulthood.

It has been said time and again that women try to compete with each other. This can also play a huge role in the destruction of a young woman’s self image.

Elizabeth Vo, a junior at the University of Oklahoma believes that this peer pressure is what causes many issues for young college age women.

It seems that the NOW Foundations’ work is paying off. There are some brands, such as Dove that has tried to uncover the lies that the media has forced on society. It seems that that many young girls are growing up with this false idea of what is truly beautiful. It is important to show young girls growing up in today's society the importance of loving themselves the way they are.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Show Your Stress Whose Boss

Photo by Catie Wilson

Bills can be on of the biggest stressors of young women in college. Bills on on top of

homework can be overwhelming.

Stress is something that we all have to learn to cope with. No matter where you are in life, whether you are twenty-one or sixty-one, you have stress. Men and women have many of the same stressors, but there are also many different ones as well. They also handle stress in different ways. For men stress is just another thing they can conquer. For women stress can really influence almost every part of her life.

The stress of a young college student can be very excruciating. From the numerous papers, to painful midterms and finals, the stress seems to be never ending. Not to mention all of the stressors outside of school. This stage in life can weigh heavy on a young woman. Many young ladies feel so overwhelmed with college life, that it could cause them to withdraw from others, isolate themselves. Learning to juggle schoolwork, a job, and a social life can be challenging.

What are we supposed to do with this stress? Do we let it all build up sending us to a depressed state, or do we learn how to deal with it?

Some girls like to treat themselves to something relaxing in times of stress. That is the case for college junior Briana Fagan, who is majoring in Biology and a minor in Chemistry.

“The way I deal with stress is by pampering myself every now and then,” said Fagan. “ I love pedicures, or even just making time for friends to get away for a few hours. That is my favorite stress reliever.”

In high school we experience stress, but it seems that in college the stress is on a whole other level. One must take on other responsibilities such as having a job and paying bills. Paying the bills is something that can terrify any young girl. There is always that fear of not making the payment on time. Many girls in college find this to be more of a stress stimulator than the schoolwork. Many dread having to make all of the big decisions such as choosing a major, choosing a roommate.

“ I think I'm more stressed now in college,” said Fagan. “ I understand what I'm working towards and what a bad grade can do to my GPA which directly effects my future. I also worry about how I am going to pay the bill that is lying on my kitchen table. ”

It should not be too surprising to find that many college girls think that having friends to relate with, and that they can vent to, can help ease stress. It helps to have others that know what you are going through and can relate.

Life can be full of joyous times. It may be unpredictable, and you may not always be able to understand it. Stress is going to happen, but if you learn how you deal with stress best, it can be just a little bump in the road. We all have those times where we just want to crawl under a rock and hide. Women are strong and capable of anything. Look stress in the eyes, and show it whose boss.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Think Pink

Breast Cancer is something that all young women should be educated about. Understanding and making sense of the disease can be overwhelming and confusing. October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Even though women should get checked throughout the year, the month of October is used for making others aware of Breast Cancer, what is actually is, and how to possibly prevent it. October is also when many companies and organizations try to raise money for Breast Cancer research.

Photo by Catie Wilson

Susan G. Komen for a Cure, is an organization that was started in 1982 and has played a major role fight against breast cancer, From making people aware, changing how they talk about and treat this disease and helping to turn millions of breast cancer patients into breast cancer survivors. Komen for a Cure has had many victories. The Komen Race for a Cure is one example of how this organization has helped in the advancement of breast cancer awareness.

This is a time for young college age women to become aware of how breast cancer could affect them. It is a time to learn the facts and the risks about this disease. According to the Komen for a Cure organization, a young woman should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years starting at 20, and every year starting at 40.

Many organizations such as churches, universities, and even local business are trying to help get people involved and active in the fight to cure breast cancer. Whether it is by sponsoring a team in the Race for a Cure, or holding their own fundraiser, people are trying to raise money for research.

One type of fundraiser that is aimed toward young women is a Scrapbooking event called, ScrapPink. Bethany Free Will Baptist Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma has held their all-day scrapbook event for the last 3 years, with proceeds benefiting the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.

With just a twenty-five dollar cover charge, the women can scrapbook from nine in the morning until nine in the evening. There are a variety of local vendors that have booths with various craft items, including any scrapbook supply needs that they may have during the day. It is a time to raise money for breast cancer, while participating in their favorite hobby.

Camille Gniech, a member of Bethany Free Will Baptist Church, started ScrapPink in memory of her mother that past away from Breast Cancer.

“I want to raise money for research,” said Gniech, “I feel that scrapbooking is a good way for women to play a part in the fundraising. It is something that many women love to do.”

Photo by Catie Wilson

There are several other ways to get involved in the fight against breast cancer. To check out what is happening near you go to

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Shop Til' You Drop

Last Wednesday, the student union at the University of Oklahoma held a warehouse sale containing some of the hottest labels around. It was a college girl’s happy place. From jeans to coats, the sale had it all.

photo by Catie Wilson

Held for one day only, the sale brought in a huge variety of clothing, jewelry, shoes, and handbags from several vendors such as Urban Outfitters and North Face, just to name a few.

Photo by Catie Wilson

According to some of the girls at the sale, it was worth missing class over. With prices that were slashed down nearly half the original price, it could bring a smile to any girl’s face.

OU junior, Whitney Ortega was one of the many females rummaging through the racks of clothes.

“I am a college student, so I don’t have much extra cash to just spend on clothes,” said Ortega, “When I saw how much these clothes were on sale for, I knew I could afford it.”

Ortega, like many young independent college girls, works hard for her money.

“I work three jobs, and I have to make good grades to keep my scholarship, so any sale like this is amazing,” said Ortega.

Photo by Catie Wilson

Many other women were feeling like Ms. Ortega on that special Wednesday. According to an employee of the sale, 75 percent of the shoppers that day were females. He went on to explain that while, the sale remained steadily busy all day, you could tell that these women came ready to shop.

The University of Oklahoma has held previous warehouse sales like this one, so people were excited to see the sale return.

College students’ are used to living on a tight budget, so warehouse sales are a good way to save money. People in general love getting cash breaks so the opportunity to get some new clothes and save a few bucks is always welcome.