Women have come a long way since the early days of women’s suffrage in the 1920’s and the women’s liberation movement in the 1960s.
Nearly half of the women in today’s workforce are women. That is quite and achievement. This is quite a change from just a generation ago. In 1967 women made up only one-third of all workers in it the workforce. Even though women have taken great strides to get to where they are today, there are still there are still many doors to knock down.
California first lady, Maria Shriver, is not only a very successful woman in her own right, but she also wants to do all that she can to help women. She wants to encourage women to She has worked vigorously to bring to light the areas that woman are still lacking when it comes to women equality. The Shriver Report is a study by Maria Shriver and the Center for American Progress that in Shriver’s own words is a report that "Presents an accurate and detailed portrait of American women and families at this transformational moment in our history. ”
This is very encouraging for the young college women that are soon to be graduation from college. Entering the workforce can be challenging for just about anyone, but it seems that women may have a few more things to think about. In the Shriver Report, the idea is brought up that women just out of college are still having to decide rather to settle down and focus on starting a family, or to enter the workforce and put the other things on hold. This is still something that is on the minds of many women, rather they realize it now or not.
Shriver also looks at the difference in pay between men and women. It is surprising that in today’s society women continue to be paid 23 cents less than men for every dollar earned in the United States. According to the Shriver Report, nearly 4 in 10 mothers are primary breadwinners, bringing home the majority of the family’s earnings, and nearly two-thirds are breadwinners or co-breadwinners, bringing home at least a quarter of the family’s earnings. The report also looks at the positives aspects of being a woman in today’s society. Women today have the opportunity to hold a position of authority. There are many different jobs that a woman can choose from.
University of Oklahoma senior Candace Hudson is a public relations major. She is near the end of her college career, and is now thinking about the next milestone in her life.
“After reading the Shriver Report, I now have hope that I will be able to have a stable and fulfilling job,” said Hudson I feel that there are still obstacles that women have to overcome in the workforce. I am so happy to be a woman living in today’s society, but I there are times it can be frustrating."
For more information on the Shriver Report and Maria Shriver’s findings visit, http://www.awomansnation.com/index.php